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WhatsApp Image 2023-02-08 at 8.26.10 PM
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Gita jayanti celebrations 2024
Gita jayanti celebrations at DPS Bhagalpur Admission Open for 2025 session
By celebrating "Student of the Month," school creates an environment that values effort, growth, and achievement, benefiting both individual students and the entire community.
Sacn to read new initiatives by DPS Bhagalpur
Futurist Technology Syllabus


“Q” for us means “Quest -for excellence”.

“U” for us means “Understanding -the concepts and interpreting it for students”.

“A” for us means “Action- interpretation of our orientation”.

“L” for us means “ Learner individual centric approach”.

“I” for us means “Innovation- ever evolving concepts”.

“T” for us means “ Training- build and developing competencies”.

“Y” for us means “Year-round activity”.

DPS Bhagalpur…. Promises to keep….

We at DPS Bhagalpur believe that the relation between the school and the students is a relation of a soul to another soul. Our philosophy of teaching is that “nothing can be taught, the teacher is a helper, a friend a philosopher and a guide”. His purpose is to induce and not to impose; he shows the child how to perfect instruments of knowledge and encourages him in the process. Children  learn more by doing by discovering and not by listening submissively to a display of factual knowledge for a child every action is an experiment, our teachers and school campus are tailored to keep the environment adequately conducive for inquisitive adequately conducive for inquisitive and exponential growth of nascent mind.

Total Quality Management (TQM) in Education is the basis of DPS Bhagalpur. TQM is the process of system change. The idea is to develop DPS Bhagalpur as an integrated, organic set of relationship in the direction of improvement sensitive to humanity.

Our Activities