From the Pro Vice Chairman's Desk
I dream of a place truly similar to the imagination of Sri Rabindranath Tagore. Education to me means an attitude towards the child, a perception of understanding , love, respect and caring. It’s an attitude of expectation, patience, liberation and restraint. I believe education as a process of acceptance of child’s mistakes and rectifying his tolerating his stubbornness and mollifying it, accepting his defiance and making him agree. We all should believe that the child has within himself every ingredient that facilitates true education. Every child has something diving, something original a spark of perfection and strength in a panorama that God offers him to take or refuse. Our task is to explore it, develop it and use it. Our express purpose of education should be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself, which is best and make it perfect for a noble use.
DPS Bhagalpur’s theme of education is to give a child an environment where his learning coordinates grow, multiply and emerge into unity of truth. We believe that learning should be fun and that by encouraging respect for each other and valuing the opportunity available children grow and learn together. Emphasis is on teamwork and togetherness and the environment is more like that of family than a school. The School promotes positive attitude in children, staff and parents so that the children can fulfill their potential and make choices, unhampered by expectation based on gender or role stereotyping . We seek to fulfill aims of the school regardless of gender, ability, creed, faith or background of the child.

Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Pro Vice Chairman
The curriculum at DPS Bhagalpur is designed o educate creativity representation (imitation, role playing, language, literacy), historical, geographical and sociological perception, scientific aspirations and mathematical understanding. Apart from regular studies the campus provides plethora of extra-curricular activity for oval all development of child.Basis of education for us will always be the development of an enquiring and creativity mind, capable of observing, analyzing and evaluating.
With best wishes.